Tatiana Koutchma

Research Scientist

Dr. Koutchma is a Research Scientist in Novel Food Processing at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Graduate Faculty at University of Guelph, Past Member of  Leadership Committee and a Past Chair  of Non-thermal Processing Division (NPD) of IFT. She is a Scientoific Editor of the journal of Comrehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Associate Editor of the journal of Food Process Engineering and Food Science and Technology International. Dr. Koutchma’s activity focuses on application of novel technologies to enhance microbial safety, functionality of foods and shelf life, address issues of chemical safety including regulatory approvals, process validation and technology transfer.  Dr. Koutchma is an author of the 4 books on UV light for foods, 10+ book chapters and 70+ peer-reviewed publications. She is an invited speaker of numerous international venues and delivers training for industry and government professionals” Dr. Koutchma is an active promoter of non-thermal processing technologies to professional community.

All Sessions by Tatiana Koutchma

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Day 1: Dec 4, 2024

Day 2: Dec 5, 2024